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About the site

The Bible interprets itself

The purpose of this blog is to share the message of the Word of God with all those who have a desire to know it more and better.

The Sacred Scriptures are a composition of sixty-six books written over a period of about one thousand and four hundred years by about forty authors. Despite this, his text forms a perfect and cohesive unity, and his writings do not contradict each other. Its writers were holy men inspired by God, and their message is the Word of God.

Because it is a book given by God to men and because it is perfect, the Bible does not need well-formulated theories or great human scholarship for it to be understood; on the contrary, it interprets itself.

The work presented here is the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures based on the consultation of the biblical text itself only. Eventually, consultation with external texts is used, such as the writings of the historian Flavio Josefo, but in an auxiliary way and not as a basis for interpretation.

May God bless everyone who wants to know Him more and more, and may this website help you in this search.

About the person in charge



Carlos Augusto S. da Fonseca

Tax Auditor at the Federal Revenue of Brazil, retired in 2018, started this blog at the time of the pandemic. He returned to work in 2021 in the same position, but is expected to return from retirement soon so he can pay more attention to the blog.
Active in the ministry of biblical teaching from 1983 to 2006.
Consecrated to pastoral ministry in 1995 by the Assembly of God church.
He first felt the call to study the Word of God in 1970, at the age of eleven. He lovingly strives to interpret the Scriptures and spread their message.

This blog is an independent and personal work, and is not linked to any church or denomination.

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